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The growing movement towards organic, natural foods in the United States offers a new opportunity for global entrepreneurs.

Through omnichannel marketing, in-depth market analysis, on-site distribution and the development of retail relationships, Orion positions niche brands as major players in the raw, organic, single-origin food segment.

Orion Business Consulting drives the growth of the organic, biodynamic food space by helping international businesses find their niche in the U.S. market.

For 15 years, Orion has developed and honed sales and marketing expertise across Latin America and the United States, with specific focus on the highly competitive organic food industry.

As America becomes a country of "food deserts," and processed, unhealthy food makes up the majority of the diet, we have a desire to bring nutrient-dense products back to American meals. At Orion, our personal mission to promote health aligns with our economic mission to help other businesses take advantage of the increased need for healthy food.

What We Do

Orion employs a multipronged approach to support businesses as they sell sustainable food to U.S. consumers.

Entering a new geographic territory, such as the U.S. market, requires in-depth knowledge of consumers, as well as the logistical elements of marketing and distribution.

Orion is an end-to-end partner, doing initial market analysis, developing a plan to introduce new products to U.S. distributors and creating a brand niche to appeal to U.S. consumers.

Who We Help

Orion partners with companies that sell organic and biodynamic-certified food and beverage products. Our clients are non-U.S. based producers who share our commitment to sustainable farming methods and the selling of organic, biodynamic foodstuffs.

If you are a small producer, we can help you grow and build your brand within the lucrative U.S. market. We'll help you do it without sacrificing your commitment to quality and ethical production.

Why We Help

The demand for organic food in the United States has steadily increased as post-recession incomes have risen. Millennials in particular seek food produced from sustainable sources. Although eating organic is more pervasive in American society, still less than 6 percent of food sold comes from organic sources.

As entrepreneurs and business owners, we see this as a huge opportunity for growth. As people committed to healthy communities and a healthy planet, we are passionate about food that promotes a better way of life.



What Does Orion Do?

Based in Boca Raton, Florida, Orion distributes international foods in the United States. Our team of organic food and marketing experts handle major segments of the manufacturer-to-consumer supply chain.

By partnering with Orion, you can develop your brand identity in a competitive, consumer-driven culture. With access to the U.S. market, you can increase revenue while maintaining your quality, sustainable production levels.

Why Organic?

Consumers increasingly want healthy food and a transparent supply chain. There's a drive to bring back nutrient-dense, biodynamic foods into U.S. diets.

Consumers pay a premium for quality food. They reward niche companies with their loyalty and their dollars. Single-source, organic foods such as chocolate are increasingly viewed as premium goods.

Why Small Producers?

Big players in the U.S. chocolate industry take up only two-thirds of the market, leaving ample room for small-scale producers.

Premium chocolate and raw organic cacao are just two examples of globally-produced food beloved by U.S. consumers. More and more, U.S. customers choose quality, sustainable foodstuffs.

There's a growing niche for food manufacturers, distributors and connoisseurs focused on the organic, bio-dynamic certified food and beverage market in the United States.

Why Orion?

We specialize in the promotion of existing organic food and beverage companies entering the U.S. market. In addition to our distribution and marketing expertise, we have a climate-controlled warehouse, so there's no need to outsource to an additional warehouse facility.

For 15 years, Orion has helped independent, non-American organic food producers enter the market. Our team imports from South America and distributes throughout the United States.

In an industry dominated by large food companies, Orion's specialized market knowledge and promotional expertise helps brands find their stateside customers.

With a single comprehensive package, Orion Business Consulting can help you analyze your target market and position your brand for success.

OBC works with producers

of high-quality, organic, biodynamic food products.


2. Market Research and Analysis

The U.S. market has a distinct flavor. Consumer habits are as unique in this market as in any other place in the world. Given your objectives, we can analyze the size of your product's potential market in the United States. Once we have this data, we strategically plan how to position your brand to appeal to distributors, retail partners and consumers.

4. Offline Channel Marketing

As a strategy to connect your brand to important industry leaders, we execute an offline marketing plan. Participation at industry events, such as organic, biodynamic and other food expos, we introduce your brand to the people who can get it to consumers. Using our marketing expertise, we connect you with the right retailers to help grow your brand identity and sales and expand your piece of the market.

Orion Business Consulting uses its knowledge to help growing companies enter the U.S. market. With market analysis, online and offline promotion, event planning and retail channel development, our team helps get your product onto store shelves.

Orion Business Consulting works with producers of high-quality, organic, biodynamic food products. More than ever before, U.S. consumers want healthy food, and mainstream brands often fall short in meeting these desires.

Even if your food or beverage product is beloved by consumers, we know having a great product is not enough to create a niche in the American food industry. That's why we take on the role of strategic partner to small producers making their first entry into the U.S. market.

From initial analysis to consumer testing, Orion helps brands become recognized players in the industry.

1. Analyze Objectives

Our first step is to establish your goals. Brand positioning, expansion, new product lines and introduction to the U.S. market are such examples. Given this starting point, we develop a plan of action to help you meet those objectives.

3. Online Channel Marketing

Working with your brand identity and objectives, we develop an online marketing strategy. Building upon existing social media channels or creating new sites, we start the conversation between your brand and your target market. We hone your online marketplace, including e-commerce, product education and content marketing.



Head office

Orion Business Consulting has offices in Boca Raton, Florida. Strategically located to assist with importing and distribution, we can help you reach the next phase of your business strategy.

1754 Costa del Sol

Boca Raton, FL, 33486


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